The puppies are now almost 5 weeks old. They are getting so big, and so noisy:) It is really fun to watch them play, and wrestle, and altogether make a huge mess! Attention and love they crave in abundance, of course, and it is so easy to give it. It's curious how the brown ones seem to be more squeamish when I pick them up or play with them, but the black ones are more calm. I wonder why that is? Isaac's favorite is the brown male, we named Max (Maximus), which he wants to keep:) My favorite is the one with the white 'socks' in front, because she lets me cradle her just like a baby.....I call her Fancy. Yes, I named all of them so I'd have a way of telling them apart. I coincide the names with different features. However, when the families come to see their new pup and take them home, they will not know what I've been calling them, and they'll be free to create their own names. I'm pretty sure the puppies won't be accustomed to any particular name at this age. I've started feeding them small bits of rolled up hamburger, and baby rice cereal. I did lots of research online, and I've been following some tips from a breeder, so everything is very specific, and some of it I just disregard, because it seems a bit overkill. After a week or so they will begin eating tiny kibble puppy food, and gradually stop nursing altogether. Soon after that they should be ready to move into their new homes:)

so sweet!