For anyone who may not have known, Isaac's passion, hobby, and essentially his 'life' in the winter is snowmobile racing! Isaac raced his fourth year at the International 500 in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan this month. It's a 500-mile race run on a one-mile, ice-oval track. The sleds reach speeds of over 100 mph, which in my opinion should give Ike his speed quota for the rest of the year;) Our team, #33 Skid Row racing just missed finishing the race due to the sled being broken into several pieces from our
third crash of the day. Don't worry, both drivers were uninjured:) The team took 13th overall, of the 26 sleds that started the race. Fewer than 20 actually finished the race (not exactly sure how many). We really have a blast racing in the winter, and I love to take lots of photos and videos! To see photos of Isaac's crash follow this link:
http://www.jjpromotions.ca/Albums/Race09/index_21.htm. It starts with the center photo on the bottom row...
Keep checking back...three more races to go!
Check out more photos on my facebook profile:
Winter weekends with the kids - we've gone from cheer competitions to volleyball tournaments to snowmobiling racing. Love the pic of Ike and Joel "putting their heads together". See you at Lincoln! Love, Mom