Thursday, March 11, 2010

Go Figure

So in case all five of you are interested, here's the scoop on what I've been up to. Aside from job-hopping, and deciding I would truly love to finally do something with my design degree, I've taken on a new challenge. It's called 'Figure'. Think body-building, but on a lesser scale. It's fully natural and I won't look, well, scary! I learned about the sport, if you will, a few years ago, and since then have learned of several people I know doing it. Isaac thought it would be perfect for me. We started going to a gym a couple of months ago, mainly for Isaac to strength/endurance train for racing, and discovered that several members, along with the owners, also do body-building, power-lifting, fitness, figure and bikini shows. So finally about 6 weeks ago, I decided I would go for it! Since that day, my schedule has been overhauled into strictly regimented meals and workouts. I took on a trainer, who mapped out a very specific diet and workout plan. I eat five or six times a day, and hit the gym 5 days a week to do weight training, 3 of which are also cardio. It's definitely been a bit overwhelming at times, but already very rewarding! The diet is tweaked specifically to lean out my body (lower body fat percentage), and encourage muscle growth. Sticking to the diet has been the most difficult part!

I'm a really good eater. My mom, dad, and husband all know this to be true. I can hardly stand life without pasta, bread, milk, cereal, chocolate, cheese…cheese with pasta…
Even the idea of having a banana is extremely appealing at this point! Now just to clear it up, I do eat, and I do eat very clean & healthy. This has nothing to do with starvation or deprivation or anything of the sort. My trainer sort of weaned me off of my normal everyday diet at first, and my choices included things like whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, all kinds of lean meat, several types of fruit, whole grain cereal with soy milk, nuts, and hummus (yum!) All things I love! Inevitably though, the diet must change as I go. My meals now consist of egg whites, whole oats (oatmeal), and unsweetened applesauce with cinnamon for two, then white meat (chicken, tuna, or fish) with romaine salad and sometimes steamed broccoli for three. I also do one scoop of whey protein a day. As my event approaches, more things will change, and this will allow me to lean out gradually. Yes, of course, it is tough to watch people around me eating pizza and ice cream! However, I have a specific goal to reach, and achieving goals always requires some sacrifice. Twelve weeks is the time frame in which I will have taken on this challenge, which is relatively short, considering any other three months would seem to fly by without much notice. It's only when there is a struggle of sorts that time seems to drag its heels.

The date of my Figure Show is April 24th (mom's birthday! - which means we'll have a big double celebration after and we can both enjoy whatever food we'd like!), and it is in Flint, Michigan. Admission is $25/person. I am super excited about having something just for me, to set goals, and strive to be better at every day. I've really missed having that, so this could be my new thing!


[You can find some information on this particular show at]

1 comment:

  1. emily - can't believe you need to "lean out" but this is certainly a challenge you have set for yourself - enjoy!
