Focus... one very important key to success. I have to remind myself daily to focus on my goals and what steps I need to take to achieve them. We all do. It's NOT easy.... what IS easy is becoming distracted! For myself, the focus is on my diet and training for an upcoming show (or fitness pageant as I like to call it more recently as this is the most relatable wording for people to understand). I tend to lose focus very easily, one moment I'm motivated and discipline and literally my next thought is how I'd really love a candy bar right now!!! Wow.

This will be my fourth competition in the year or so since I've begun training. Each time it gets easier. Each time my focus has improved and so have the results. I am 4 and a half weeks out from the event, which is a national qualifier, meaning that placing in the top two will qualify me for the seven national events throughout the year. That will be another story entirely!

I have learned to communicate better with my trainer as well as my husband, who also plays the role as my accountability partner;) It has helped tremendously in my training at the gym and at home, but mostly with my diet program. It has to be strict, but also doable. Things like - when I get hungry between meals so we can adjust from every 3 hours to every 2.5 hours instead, or when I slip up on my diet... as Ms. Garmin often says "recalculating"! Each meal is strictly calculated out based on calories, protein, sugars, carbs, sodium, etc. Even the time of day in which each food is consumed has a reason behind it. We can also up the cardio when and if I don't lean out fast enough, and focus on specific weak areas. Recently workin' the glutes hardcore! I let my trainer know how I feel after certain workouts/exercises, especially if it causes pain beyond normal muscle soreness, and things like that. My husband is currently not on a diet, because that wouldn't line up with his own goals, but he is very observant and aware of what is in the house and what needs to be kept OUT of the house, for my sake. Peanut butter is one of those things! I don't think I will ever kick the craving for pb=) In certain forms it is great for you and serves its purpose, just not for me right now! It is also important to let my trainer know how I feel on days with high carbs and the same for low carb days. Certain foods may react differently with me, so then we can switch it up a bit if necessary to keep my progress moving forward. One thing I am happy to say is that I now like asparagus! I've tried it all different ways many times and never did like the taste of it until now. It's funny how your tastes change not only with age and experience, but also when you simplify your intake so much. Every new thing is a treat! My mother will be so proud;) I know I will need to try tea again very soon, because many competitors recommend it for the health and hunger-suppressing factors. I've never like tea and it might be a struggle, but I may learn to love it♥

So essentially I am in what they like to call "lock-down" mode, no excuses, no-holds barred, no pain no gain kind of attitude. I've started doing two-a-days, cardio in the morning as well as weights and cardio again in the evening. This is 5 days a week and the weekend is usually for rest. Aside from my husband's upcoming race this weekend, I will start incorporating just one cardio session on these days. The goal is just to burn as many calories as possible.
This time out I will be trying a new tanning product which will be fun and hopefully be better for the whole package that I'm going for. I am also searching and brainstorming designs for new suits! The best part of it all is show day, when all that matters is having fun and showing what you've worked so hard for. My goal this time around is to be more ready than ever and go into the competition knowing I did not hold back! Wish me luck~ Emily